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start [2013/02/06 18:14]
start [2018/12/06 16:57] (current)
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 But ardanium is rare, and while each civilisation has many commercial and civilian ships, and maintains a modest military fleet, stockpiles are dwindling. less and less is found each year, despite concerted survey efforts on all fronts. But ardanium is rare, and while each civilisation has many commercial and civilian ships, and maintains a modest military fleet, stockpiles are dwindling. less and less is found each year, despite concerted survey efforts on all fronts.
-Now, though, the newly discovered world of [[the_discovery_of_reddeluto|Reddeluto]] looks set to change the balance. A shaky treaty, signed by all six Civilisations, prevents all out war, and limits exploitation of the planet's mineral resources to on-foot, old fashioned prospecting and the staking of claims. Because Reddeluto is thought to hold many, many times the amount of ardanium so far gathered by //all six Civilisations combined//.+Six Years ago, though, the newly discovered world of [[the_discovery_of_reddeluto|Reddeluto]] looked set to change the balance. A shaky treaty, signed by all six Civilisations, prevented all out war, and limited exploitation of the planet's mineral resources to on-foot, old fashioned prospecting and the staking of claims. Because Reddeluto held many, many times the amount of ardanium so far gathered by //all six Civilisations combined//. 
 +Disaster struck, in the form of a gargantuan interstellar Gigafauna. A creature the size of a moon, that drew sustenance from the temporal distortions caused by Ardanium powered gradient travel. The creature left a trail of worlds aged prematurely to distruction behind it, and looked set to consume Reddeluto. The operatives of the Six Civilisations built a weapon to slay the beast, but when it was activated, the death throes of the monster transported them... elsewhere. 
 +Now, lost far from home, six thousand personnel with only a glorified customs enforcement fleet and a badly damaged administrative space station to call home, activate the Ulysses Protocol.  
 +Can they find a way home? And if not, can there be a life for them out here, wherever that is?  
 +See [[Events]] for the details of our next exciting adventure
 [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/PioneeersLarp/| Join us on Facebook for QandA with the ref team, and to discuss groups and transport and all manner of things with other players!]] [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/PioneeersLarp/| Join us on Facebook for QandA with the ref team, and to discuss groups and transport and all manner of things with other players!]]
 +[[https://www.facebook.com/oliver.facey/media_set?set=a.10152726514830291.1073741826.624060290&type=3|Photos from event 1.]]
 +[[https://www.facebook.com/oliver.facey/media_set?set=a.10154116715155291.1073741866.624060290&type=3|Photos from event 2.]]
 +[[http://tgarnett.com/project-type/pioneers/|More photos from both events]]
start.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/06 16:57 by mejoff
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